Страница 9 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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In September British pupils go back to school after the summer holidays.
1) The school reporter asks Mandy, Robert and John the question “Are you glad to be back to school?”.
What are the children’s answers?
Reporter: Are you glad to be back to school?
John: I’m looking forward to school. I’ll have my favourite subjects again.
Mandy: Of course, I am. I’ll meet my friends.
Robert: Oh, no! I’m a bit nervous about tests in Maths! They are difficult!

2) The reporter is going to write an article about the first day of school.
Look through his notes and match the name and the words.
John says that..
Mandy says that…
Robert says that…

…he is a bit nervous about tests in Maths.
…he is looking forward to school.
…she is glad to be back to school because she will meet her friends.

3) Compare the original words of the children and the reporter’s words. What changes are there in the reporter’s words? Read the rule and check. Read Learning to learn note No 1.

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