Страница 184 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 184 из учебника по английскому языку 7 класс Кузовлев
Every city is unique and has its special best items. Here is what some children write about their cities on the Internet site.
1) What Is special about these children’s cities? Choose the correct words to complete the children’s stories about their cities. Listen to check.
I live in an exciting city. The hot springs* that make my city unique were discovered three thousand years ago. That was the time when my city was founded. My city is one of the most fantastic places to visit because it has an interesting history, a lot of theatres and museums, good sports and shopping centres. We have beautiful landmarks, a lot of magnificent historical buildings, some big green parks and no pollution. All these and the relaxing atmosphere and nice people make the city one of the biggest attractions for those who are interested in British culture. (Jennifer, Bath)
My hometown is a pleasant place to live in! We have different exciting things in the city for people of all ages to enjoy themselves. There are a lot of sports centres, football stadiums, parks and the zoo. All these places are thrilling to visit them. A lot of festivals, concerts and sports competitions are organised in my city.
Many people concerned about the events that happen in the city. We want our city to be more beautiful and cleaner. All people in my hometown are involved in clean-up projects.
Every year the streets of the city are decorated with about two million flowers. My hometown is recognised as one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. The city is getting better all the time. Many new roads and beautiful houses will be built in the near future. Historical buildings and churches will be restored. (Denis, Lipetsk)

2) Which of the above can be said about your hometown?

3) Are there anything the children want to improve in their hometowns?

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