Страница 86 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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What are your friends like? (AB ex. 1)

Ted and Tracy are talking about their friends.
1) Who are their friends? Is it important for Ted and Tracy where their friends live? (listening for detail)

2) Who are you best friends with? Is it important for you where your friends live?
My best friend … Also, …
He/She … Sometimes …
We … I (don’t) think that … because …

Текст аудирования:
— Tony lives in another city but he is my best friend. We often call each other and talk about everything. We chat on the Internet and e-mail each other every week. I know everything about Tony. I’m sure that I can always rely on him and he can also turn to me for advice. I think that people can live in different places and be good friends at the same time.
— My best friend Jennifer is my neighbour and we get together every day. She has a wonderful sense of humour and she often makes me laugh. Once we fell out with her over a silly thing and did not talk for a week! But we made up quickly and now we are the best friends again! I think that friendship will last longer if people live in the same area. True friends must get together as often as they can.

Activity book ex. 2.

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