Страница 19-20 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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Jigsaw reading. Most schools in Britain are traditional, but there are progressive schools, too.
Read Learning to learn note No 5.
1) In home groups. Read one of the texts (A, B, or C) and do the task.
A) Summerhill is a famous progressive school.
Read the text and write out the facts that show how different Summerhill is from traditional schools.
Summerhill is a boarding school in Suffolk, England. A. S. Neill opened this school in 1921. There are only eighty pupils, aged from five to eighteen. The children have classes usually according to their age, sometimes according to their interests. Every week the pupils and the teachers have a meeting where they make and change their rules. There is a timetable — but for the teachers. The pupils can go to the lessons or play, or spend their time in the art room. Children from other countries can study at Summerhill. Parents pay for the teaching. It costs about 3,000-5,000 a term.
Summerhill is a famous progressive school.
First, …
Second, ….
Besides, …
More than that, …

B) All schools have rules for pupils.
Read some school rules. Write how pupils must behave at school.
School rules
Wear a school uniform.
Be ready for class every day.
Be polite.
Take care of school things and stuff.
Keep your classroom clean and tidy.
Don’t bring dangerous things to school.
Don’t leave a lesson without permission.
Don’t use mobiles during the school day.

Be friendly to classmates.
Don’t run in school corridors.
Don’t bully other pupils in any way.
Come to school on time.
Respect others and be courteous.
Don’t bring chewing gum to school.

Rules are very important at school.
Pupils must follow general schools rules. They …
They also must follow safety rules. They ….
All pupils should behave well towards each other and adults. They …

C) In your culture. The Utchitelskaya Gazeta published an article about one of the best boarding schools.
Read the pupil’s opinion about the boarding school and render it. Use the following phrases. Read Learning to Learn note No 6.
«Наша школа-интернат — большая дружная семья, и поэтому в пятницу мне не хочется расставаться с друзьями. Вы видели, чтобы десятиклассники дружили с первоклассниками? A здесь дружат! A мальчишки и девчонки прекрасно ладят между собой. У нас шестиразовое питание, уютные спальни, у каждого класса есть свой классный руководитель. Мы можем заниматься в разных кружках: театральном, музыкальном, компьютерном; можно поплавать в бассейне или поиграть на площадке в футбол. Здесь почти каждый день дискотеки. Мы получаем здесь хорошие знания, и мы счастливы».

… like а big family…
… in the playground…
… meals 6 times а day. .
. . tenth-formers…
… get good knowledge. .
. . go to different clubs. .

… get on with…
… to part with my friends. .
. . almost every day…
… a form teacher…
… are friends with…
… are happy…

2) In expert groups. Compare your answers for the task and come to an agreement. Get ready to retell the text.

3) In home groups. Retell the text you’ve read to your group mates. Get ready to answer the questions.
— What classes do the pupils of Summerhill School go to?
— Who makes rules at Summerhill School?
— Must the pupils of Summerhill School go to all the lessons?
— Are rules important at all schools?
— What rules should pupils follow at school?
— How do the pupils of the boarding school behave towards each other?
— What activities can the pupils of the boarding school do?
— Why are the pupils of the boarding school happy?

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