Страница 174 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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Pair work. You are listening to the guide at the Tower of London. Respond to the guide’s remarks.
— There is a legend which says that the Tower was built by the Romans, not by William the Conqueror.*
— The White Tower is the oldest part of the Tower of London. It was built in 1078.
— The White Tower is a symbol of London and Britain.
— The Tower of London is famous for ghost stories.
— The Tower was a prison, most famous prisoners were kings, queens, princes and princesses.
— Lady Jane Grey* was queen for nine days in 1553. She was the saddest person in the history of the Tower.

Role play. You are talking to your foreign friend. Read Learning to learn note No. 9.
Pupil card 1
Tell your foreign friend about your hometown.
— My hometown has a long/not very long history. It was founded in …
— There are wonderful sights in my hometown. They are …
Listen to your friend and respond to his/her remarks.
Pupil card 2
Tell your foreign friend about your hometown.
— My hometown Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland.
— Glasgow has always been famous for building ships.
Listen to your friend and respond to his/her remarks.

Activity book ex. 1.

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