Страница 141 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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1 Role play. You are choosing a person for a project about famous people of your country. Read Learning to learn note No. 9.
Pupil card 1
You are choosing a person for a project about famous people of your country.
You begin the conversation.
Remember to:
suggest a person for the project;
give reasons for your choice.
Listen to your friend’s suggestion and come to an agreement.
Pupil card 2
You are choosing a person for a project about famous people of your country. Listen to your friend’s suggestion. Remember to:
express your opinion saying you agree or partly agree with your friend;
suggest a person for the project;
give reasons for your choice.
Come to an agreement.
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