Страница 66 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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Vocabulary. The British girl Mia is speaking about her eco-school.
1) What do pupils at eco-school do? Use the word box to learn the meaning of the highlighted words.
My school is an eco-school.* This means that we try to look after the environment, because our Earth is a wonderful world and we don’t want to destroy it.
Becoming eco-friendly is not difficult. Everyone can do something to protect nature.
We do a lot of things. We always put our litter in a bin because litter pollutes and spoils the environment. We reuse and recycle newspapers, cans, plastic and glass bottles instead of throwing them out. Recycling saves new materials and saves energy.
We help wildlife by being more environmentally friendly. We do not disturb animals. We’ve built a nature garden near the school with a wildlife pond, bird boxes, homes for mice. Besides, our pupils walk or cycle to school. We think that this helps to reduce air pollution. Air pollution causes climate change and some animals may disappear. Some chemicals can also contribute to climate change and damage the natural environment that’s why we do not use them.
the environment — окружающая среда, природа
Earth (the Earth) — Земля
to destroy — разрушать, уничтожать
eco-friendly – en,viron’mentally ‘friendly — не приносящий вреда природе
to protect — защищать, охранять
nature — природа
a bin — контейнер для мусора
to pollute — загрязнять (делать непригодным для использования)
to spoil (spoilt) — портить (вид, качество), делать менее привлекательным
to recycle — возвращать в оборот, перерабатывать
glass — стеклянный
instead of — вместо
to save — беречь, экономить
wildlife — живая природа (животные, птицы, рыбы в естественном состоянии)
to disturb — причинять беспокойство, мешать
a pond — пруд
to reduce — уменьшать, сокращать
air — воздух
pollution — загрязнение (окружающей среди)
to cause — быть/являться причиной, вызывать

to disappear — исчезать
to damage — повреждать, причинять вред
Words to guess
use v — использовать
reuse V —?
use a — ?
natural a — ?
environments a — ?

2) Is Mia eco-friendly? What does she personally do? What do you think?

3) Mia’s friends do a lot to help nature Do you do anything?

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