Страница 75-76 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 75-76 из учебника по английскому языку 7 класс Кузовлев
At the environmental club Matthew and Lisa are reporting on the ecological situation In their hometown.
1) What environmental problems are Matthew and Lisa talking about? (listening for specific information)

2) What are Matthew’s and Lisa’s attitudes to ecological problems? Use the word box and find how they say they are worried.
— I’m very worried when people throw away litter. Think of all the litter around. Soon there won’t be any more places free of it. People should do something about litter, before it’s too late!
— I find the situation in our countryside worrying. Near my house, there is a pond. It is polluted. Paint containers, plastic bags and sweets packets are thrown into the pond. All this destroys the pond’s wildlife. I’m sure people should think about nature and recycle their litter instead of throwing it away.

3) What are some other ways to say you are worried?
I’m worried about water pollution.
I find this problem (very) worrying.
I’m (very) concerned about air pollution.
I’m (very) concerned that forests are destroyed.
Меня волнует загрязнение воды.
Эта проблема меня очень беспокоит.
Я беспокоюсь о загрязнении воздуха.
Я (очень) обеспокоен/озабочен тем, что леса вырубают(ся).

4) Replace the highlighted expressions in the dialogues with those that fit from ex. 1.3). Act out the dialogues.

Both adults and children are worried about environmental problems.
1) What problems are the British worried about most of all? Are you worried about these problems or not? (listening for specific Information)
The British are worried that …
I am also concerned about … / I don’t find this problem worrying.

2) Role play. You and your foreign friend are discussing some environmental problems. Read Learning to learn note No. 9.
Pupil card 1
You are discussing some environmental problems.
Choose an environmental problem:
air pollution • animals disappearing
Say you are very concerned about this problem. Say what people should do to make the situation better.
Listen to your partner.
Say that you are also worried about the problem.

Pupil card 2
You are discussing some environmental problems.
Listen to your partner.
Say that you are also worried about the problem.
Choose an environmental problem:
water pollution • cutting down forests
Say you are very concerned about this problem. Say what people should do to make the situation better.

3) What is the biggest environmental problem In your hometown? Are you concerned about it? What do people do to change the world for the better? What does your school do?

Текст аудирования:
The Earth is more than just the place you call home. The Earth is your environment. It means that the land, air, water and wildlife are very important. We are only part of the environment. Most people understand this and see environmental problems. A lot of people are concerned about air pollution. More people are worried about water pollution. Cutting down trees is a problem, too. There are a lot of environmental problems in each area. A lot of animals disappear, there is not enough energy and water, rainforests are cut down, the ozone layer is damaged and many other problems. People should know these problems and do something about it.

Activity book ex. 1. Reader ex. 4.

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