На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 164 из учебника по английскому языку 7 класс Кузовлев
In your culture. Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, has a long and interesting history.
1) Who contributed to building and decorating Moscow? What do you think? Match.
I think/I know Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow in the twelfth century.
Prince Yuri Dolgoruky*
Russian masters
The Russian architect Konstantin Thon*
Andrei Chokhov, a skilful master,
Barma and Postnik
Pavel and Sergei Tret.yakov*
The architect Nikolai Zhukov
designed and built the Moscow Mosque in 1904.
designed and built St Basil’s Cathedral.*
designed the Grand Kremlin Palace.*
founded Moscow in the twelfth century.
redecorated the Uspensky Cathedral in 1642— 1643.
designed and made the Tsar Roll.*
founded one of the best galleries of Russian paintings.
In your culture. Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, has a long and interesting history.
1) Who contributed to building and decorating Moscow? What do you think? Match.
I think/I know Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow in the twelfth century.
Prince Yuri Dolgoruky*
Russian masters
The Russian architect Konstantin Thon*
Andrei Chokhov, a skilful master,
Barma and Postnik
Pavel and Sergei Tret.yakov*
The architect Nikolai Zhukov
designed and built the Moscow Mosque in 1904.
designed and built St Basil’s Cathedral.*
designed the Grand Kremlin Palace.*
founded Moscow in the twelfth century.
redecorated the Uspensky Cathedral in 1642— 1643.
designed and made the Tsar Roll.*
founded one of the best galleries of Russian paintings.
2) Listen to check.
3) What articles are used with the nouns that mean professions and buildings? Look at the examples in ex. 2.1) and explain the rule.
Текст аудирования:
Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow in the twelfth century. Russian masters redecorated the Uspensky Cathedral in 1642—1643. The Russian architect Konstantin Thon designed the Grand Kremlin Palace. Andrei Chokhov, a skilful master, designed and made the Tsar Bell. Barma and Postnik designed and built St Basil’s Cathedral. Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov founded one of the best galleries of Russian paintings. The architect Nikolai Zhukov designed and built the Moscow Mosque in 1904.
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