Страница 165 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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In your culture. 1) What can you tell your foreign friends about Moscow? Use the words from the box.
buildings • masters • cathedrals • churches • design • fortress • founded • galleries • house • later • magnificent • masterpieces • paintings • rare • restored
Yuri Dolgoruky* founded Moscow in 1147. Later Russian Tsars made Moscow a fortress to protect it. After wars and fires the Muscovites restored it and built new homes for themselves. There were a lot of cathedrals and churches in old Moscow. Moscow Tsars asked Italian architects to design them. Italian and Russian architects created beautiful buildings and painters decorated them with wonderful frescos.* The building of the Uspensky Cathedral is magnificent!
Today Moscow’s museums and galleries have rare things: Russian and Western European paintings, ancient books and metal works of famous masters. The famous Pushkin Museum* and the Tretyakov Gallery* house world masterpieces. Moscow is famous for its sights.

2) Which sights in Moscow do you like best? Why?

Activity book ex. 2. Reader ex. 1.

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