Страница 170 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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Dinara lives in Kazan.
1) What Is Dinara saying about her hometown? Use the verbs In the Present, Past, Future Simple Passive or Active.
My city is very old, it was founded in 1005. Kazan was destroyed by wars and fires. After one of the fires the icon “Our Lady of Kazan” was discovered. Today it is a famous icon and it is respected by many Christians.
During the Great Patriotic War Kazan became an important city where planes and tanks were produced.
Today Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. In 2005 we celebrated its birthday, one millennium. The Kazan Kremlin was the centre of the celebrations.
The Kremlin includes Muslim and Christian monuments. The Qol Sharif mosque was rebuilt in 1996, it’s one of the largest mosques in Russia. The magnificent Blagoveshchensky Cathedral (build) in the middle of the sixteenth century.
I am sure that my city will be better and more beautiful. In a few years’ time, new underground railways and new roads was built. New wonderful buildings will be designed in the future. I hope that our people will create new theatres, museums, unique medical centres and big libraries.

2) What can you say about your hometown?

What does Olga want to be done in her hometown? (AB ex. 1) t).

All about me. My hometown’s plans. (AB No. 13)

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