Страница 152 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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Linda and Susan are talking about their plans for the evening.
1) What will the girls do? (listening for specific information)

2) Linda suggests doing different things.
Use the boxes on pp. 152—153 and find in the dialogue how Susan:
refuses Linda’s suggestion;
accepts Linda’s suggestion.
Linda: Susan, what are you going to do this evening? Jane and I are going to the cinema. Will you join us?
Susan: I’d like to, but I’m performing at the drama club today.
Linda: Really? What about going to a cafe on Friday then?
Susan: That would be nice. I think I will take my sister, too.

3) What are some other ways of accepting and refusing a suggestion?
I’d love to. Мне бы очень хотелось.
Certainly. Конечно.
All right. Хорошо. Согласен.
That would be nice. Прекрасно.
Unfortunately, … К сожалению, …
I’d like to, but … Я бы с удовольствием, но …
I’m afraid I can’t. Боюсь, что не смогу.

4) Replace the highlighted expressions In the dialogue with those that fit from the box. Act out the dialogue.

Текст аудирования:
— What about going to a fancy dress party at our school? It’ll be fun.
— Why don’t we play a game of tennis?
— Let’s watch a new play at our drama club.
— What about going sightseeing around the city?
— Would you like to see my new collection of stamps?
— Why don’t we play a new Play Station game?
— We could watch the netball match at my school.

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