Страница 153 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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Role play. Your foreign friend suggests doing some activities.
Accept or refuse his/her suggestions. If you refuse, explain why.

Role play. Your foreign friend suggests doing some activities.
Accept or refuse his/her suggestions. If you refuse, explain why.

Role play. You and your foreign friend are discussing plans for a Sunday afternoon.
Pupil card 1
You and your foreign friend are discussing plans for a Sunday afternoon.
You begin the conversation.
Suggest doing the following:
go to a swimming pool;
play tennis.
Listen to your friend and accept his/her suggestion to play bowling. Explain why.
Pupil card 2
You and your foreign friend are discussing plans for a Sunday afternoon.

Listen to your friend. Refuse his/her suggestions. Explain why.
Suggest doing the following:
go on a trip to the countryside;
go to a sports centre and play bowling.

Group work. Game “Sunday afternoon”. (AB ex. 1)

Activity book ex. 2. Reader ex. 5.

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