Страница 130 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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In your culture. Here are the names of some famous Russians.
Why are they famous? Complete the sentences according to the pattern.
He is the only Russian actor to get a British order.
0) Vasili Livanov got a British order for the role of Sherlock Holmes. He is the only Russian actor …
1) Yuri Gagarin went to space in 1961. He was the first person to go to space.
2) Alexei Leonov walked in space in 1965. He was the first cosmonaut to walk in space.
3) Anfisa Reztsova became the Olympic champion in two winter kinds of sports. She is the only Russian athlete to become the Olympic champion in two winter kinds of sports.
4) Ivan Pavlov got a Nobel Prize* in medicine. He was the first Russian scientist to get a Nobel Prize in medicine.
5) Boris Pasternak got a Nobel Prize in 1958. He was the second Russian writer to get a Nobel prize.
6) Svetlana Savitskaya, the second woman cosmonaut, walked in space in 1984. She was the first woman cosmonaut to walk in space.

In your Culture. What can you tell your foreign friends about people who are famous for this or that achievement?

Activity book ex. 1. Reader ex. 1.

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