Страница 18 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова

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Role play. You are talking to your foreign friend about your school and schools in your country.
Read Learning to learn note No 4.
Pupil card 1
You are talking to your foreign friend about your school and schools in your country.
You begin the conversation. Give some information about your school or schools in your country. Explain to your Russian friend what you mean.
— I’m in Form 3W.
— Many schools in the USA have summer classes.
— I go to Manchester Grammar School.
— All the pupils at our school have their own lockers.
— At 9 I go to a Sunday school.
— I get to school by a school bus.
— I’m a freshman.
— We are on a half-term.
— At the end of the term our school sends a report card to parents.

Pupil card 2
You are talking to your foreign friend about your school and schools in your country. Listen to your foreign friend. Tell your friend that you don’t understand what he/she says and ask about the meaning.

Activity book ex.1. Reader ex.5.

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