Страница 97-98 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 97-98 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
1. Some children like shopping, some don’t. What do you like and don’t like about shopping?
Remember to:
• say what you like about shopping;
• say what you don’t like about shopping;
• describe your shopping experience.

2. Role play. Imagine you are in Hamleys. You are going to buy one of the top four toys of Christmas in Great Britain. Which one would you buy?

Pupil Card 1
You are a salesperson. You start the conversation.
Remember to:
ask what a customer wants;
say that you’ve got it;
tell the price;
thank and say goodbye.

Pupil Card 2
You are a customer. Listen to your partner.
Remember to:
ask for what you want;
explain why;
ask the price;
give money;
thank and say goodbye.

How well do you know British and American culture? Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
1 The emergency number in Britain is _
a 911
b 999
с 01

2 A part of an American hospital that gives fast help to people who have had an accident is _.
a a surgery
b an emergency room
с a section

3 Your medical history is _.
a a historical book about doctors
b notes about your health
с a history of medicine

4 Complete the English proverb “_ a day keeps the doctor away”.

a One fruit
b A cup of tea
с An apple

Answer the questions.
1. Which words are similar in spelling or pronunciation to Russian words?
2. Which words do we use to describe how we are?
3. Which words do we use to give advice when somebody is ill?
4. How many new words and word combinations from Unit 5 do you know?

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