Страница 111 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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In Britain, friendly people often start conversations by talking about the weather. How do the British respond to the remarks about the weather? (AB ex. 2)

Pair work. You are going to invite your friend to the park.
Look through the roles and act out a conversation.
Pupil 1:
Invite your friend to go to the park in the afternoon.
Describe what the weather will be like in the afternoon.
Say what you think about the weather.
Pupil 2:
Ask about the weather.
Respond to the remarks about the weather. Agree or disagree to go to the park.

Role play. You and your friend are planning your sumrrer holidays.
Pupil 1
You want to spend your summer holidays in the countryside.
You begin Ihe conversation.
Don’t forget to:
• invite your friend to go to your grandparents’/relatives’;
• describe what you and your friend can do in the countryside.
Answer your friend’s questions.
Pupil 2
You want to go to the countryside. Ask your friend about the weather in the countryside in the cottting future.
Accept or refuse the invitation.

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