На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 36 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
Choose a project you’d like to do.
Choose a project you’d like to do.
Project 1 Animals I like
Choose 3 animals you like, draw them and write why you like them.
My first (second/third) favorite animal is … I like it because it’s … , … and …
Project 2 My favorite character
Choose a favorite character from a book, film or real life.
Draw him/her or stick in a photo.
Write what he/she is like and why you like him/her.
Project 3 A thank-you letter
Think of a person who is special in your life.
Write what he/she is like.
Write why he/she is special to you.
Present your project and answer your classmates’ questions. Read Learning 1o learn note 8.
Discuss your projects and decide which is the most interesting.
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