Страница 82 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Group Work. What health problems do your classmates have?

1) In your exercise book, prepare a questionnaire. Make up questions to learn about 5k your classmates’ health problems.
Do you often catch a cold?
catch a cold
have a sore throat/a headache/a stomachache/earache/the flu
hurt your leg/arm/hand/back/head/finger/foot
cut your hand/finger/foot

2) Choose a question and ask your classmates.

— Do you often catch a cold?
— Yes, I do.
— How often do you catch one?
— Very often.
— What do you usually do to get better?
— I drink a lot of tea with lemon, stay in bed and consult a pediatrician.
— How much time does it take you to get better?
— It takes me five days.

3) Make a report. Read Learning to learn note 3 first.

Five out of ten pupils often have colds. They usually stay at home, consult a pediatrician, and take medicine for a cold. It usually takes them a week to get better.
Three out of ten pupils catch colds sometimes. They also stay at home and drink warm milk with honey. Sometimes they consult a doctor. It usually takes them seven days to get better.
One in ten pupils never catches a cold.

AB ex. 2, Reader ex. 1.

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