Страница 60 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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In the past there were no supermarkets in Great Britain, but there were a lot of small

1) Vocabulary. What shops did people go to? What did they buy there? Use the Word Box and Grammar for revision to find out the meaning of the highlighted words.

In the past people had to go shopping every day. They went to the butcher’s to buy meat. For tea, sugar, flour, a box of sweets, a carton of juice or a bar of chocolate they went to the grocer’s. They bought butter, milk, eggs and cheese at the dairy. For a loaf of bread, biscuits, cakes or pies they went to the baker’s. They bought fruit, vegetables and nuts at the greengrocer’s. Customers pointed at all the packets, bottles, cans, cartons, jars and tins and a salesperson sold them what they wanted.
Grammar for revision Possessive Case

a butcher’s shop мясная лавка; a baker’s shop булочная
a grocer’s shop магазин по продаже бакалейных и гастрономических продуктов
a greengrocer’s shop магазин по продаже зелени, овощей и фруктов

Word Box
tea чай
flour мука
a box коробка
a carton картонный пакет
juice сок
a bar of chocolate плитка шоколада
butter масло
cheese сыр
a dairy shop магазин молочной продукции
a loaf буханка
bread (bred) хлеб
a nut орех
a customer покупатель
a packet пакет
a bottle бутылка
a can жестяная банка
a jar стеклянная банка
a tin консервная банка
a salesperson продавец
to sell (sold, sold) продавать

2) Have a look at the photos on p. 59 and name the shops.

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