Страница 123 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Famous people of Great Britain were of different professions.
What did the famous people do? Match the questions with the answers.
— Who made the film The Birds?
— What was he?
— Who sang the famous song Yesterday?
— What were they?
— Who won the Trafalgar Battle*?
— What was he?
— Who flew solo1 from Britain to Australia in 1930?
What was she?
Who wrote the book Franken stein?
What was she?
Alfred Hitchcock.*
A British film-maker.
Amy Johnson.*
She was a famous British pilot. Horatio Nelson.*
He was a famous British admiral.
The Beatles.*
The most famous musicians ever.
A writer.
Mary Shelley.*
— Who was “the father of the computer”? (так опрашивают об имени)
— Charles Babbage.
— What was he? (так спрашивают о профессии)
— A mathematician.
solo — самостоятельный полёт, самостоятельный (о полёте без инструктора и механика)
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