Страница 32 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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At the beginning of the school year, American children choose the class president.

1) Jane, Tom and Sue are talking about three candidates for the class president. Do the children agree who should be their class president? (listening for the main idea)

2) Who will be a good class president? Why? What do Jane, Tom and Sue think?
Julia is a good pupil. She always does her homework. The teachers like her. She’s my best friend. We spend a lot of time together and she is very helpful. She never boasts and she doesn’t gossip about classmates. She’ll be a good class president.
I don’t agree. Julia is a good girl, but it doesn’t mean she will be a good president. Besides, she’s very talkative. Look! She is chatting even now! I think Ted will be a great president. He is a Scout*. You can trust him. He is good at math. He is brave. Remember when we were at the camp and he saved a small boy in the river?
I agree that Ted is great, but he’s a bit bossy sometimes. Besides, I think that a president should be good-looking. Mandy is pretty. She is taller than any other pupil in our class. I think she looks like a real president.

3) What arguments are against Julia and Ted?

4) What do the children think is more important for the class president: character or appearance?

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