На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 56 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
Choose the project you’d like to do.
Choose the project you’d like to do.
Project 1
Life in this country 50 years ago
Find some pictures or photos that show life 50 years ago. Label the pictures.
houses people lived in;
conveniences they had;
furniture they had;
work they did about the house.
Project 2
Life in this country in 50 years’ time
• Imagine what houses people will live in.
• Draw a plan of a future house with some furniture. ^ Label the pictures.
• Draw some machines for your house. Explain what the machines will do.
Present your project, answer your classmates’ questions. Discuss your projects.
Discuss your projects. Choose the most interesting projects.
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