На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 72 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
Role play. Imagine you are in Britain and you want to buy a souvenir.
Pupil 1
You are a salesperson. You work in a souvenir shop. Be polite.
Pupil 2
You are a customer. You want to buy a souvenir. Be polite.
Pupil 2: Ask for what you want.
Pupil 1: Ask what a customer wants.
Pupil 1: Offer what a customer wants.
Pupil2: Ask for permission to have a look at, or try (it/them) on.
Pupil 1: Give permission.
Pupil 2: Ask about the price.
Pupil 1: Tell him/her the price.
Pupil 2: Give money and thank the salesperson. Say goodbye.
Pupil 1: Thank the customer and say goodbye.
Role play. Imagine you are in Britain and you want to buy a souvenir.
Pupil 1
You are a salesperson. You work in a souvenir shop. Be polite.
Pupil 2
You are a customer. You want to buy a souvenir. Be polite.
Pupil 2: Ask for what you want.
Pupil 1: Ask what a customer wants.
Pupil 1: Offer what a customer wants.
Pupil2: Ask for permission to have a look at, or try (it/them) on.
Pupil 1: Give permission.
Pupil 2: Ask about the price.
Pupil 1: Tell him/her the price.
Pupil 2: Give money and thank the salesperson. Say goodbye.
Pupil 1: Thank the customer and say goodbye.
AB ex. 1, Reader ex. 6.
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