Страница 70 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 70 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
One day Betsy’s sister Alice went to a shoe shop. She wanted to buy a pair of shoes.

1) What kind of shoes was she looking for? (listening for specific information)

2) Read through the conversation and find out:

• how the salesperson asks what the customer wants;
• how the salesperson offers what to buy;
• how the customer asks for what she wants;
• how the customer asks for permission to try the shoes on;
• how the salesperson gives permission;
• how the customer asks about the price;
• what the customer says when she gives money to the salesperson.

Salesperson: Can I help you?
Alice (the customer): I am looking for a pair of shoes.
S: What shoes would you like to buy?
A: Trainers. May I try them on, please?
S: Sure. Have a look at these ones.
A: Super! How much are they?
S: Thirty pounds.
A: All right. I’ll take them. Here is the money. Thank you.
S: Thank you. Bye!
A: Bye!
Это слово — одно из самых важных слов в английском языке. Обязательно используйте слово please в просьбах. Когда вы обращаетесь к продавцу в магазине, назовите то, что вы хотите, а затем обязательно добавьте please.

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