Страница 11 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Compare yourself with Jane, Bill or one of your friends.
Jane/my friend and I are alike.
I am as … as … .
We look like ….
My hair is as … as Jane’s hair. My eyes are as … as Jane’s eyes. We have got … .
Bill/my friend different.
I am not as I am much .
I am a bit ..
I look like ..
… looks like and I are as Bill. than …. than … .

Pair Work. Who does your partner look like?

1) Make up questions and ask each other about the appearance of your parents.

2) Make a report about who your partner looks like.
I think Ann looks like her father and her mother.
Ann’s hair is as dark as her father’s hair.
Her eyes are as blue as her mother’s eyes.
I think Dima doesn’t look like his father.
His father’s hair is a bit darker than Dima’s.
He’s got his mother’s blue eyes.

AB ex. 2, Reader ex. 2.

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