На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 121 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
Game. “Guess the job”.
Pupil Card 1
Choose a job. Say what a person has to do in this job. Let your classmates guess the job.
A person in this job must get on well with children.
He/She has to answer children’s questions.
He/She doesn’t have to write textbooks.
But he/she has to use textbooks when he/she gives lessons or explains rules.
And he or she must be kind.
Game. “Guess the job”.
Pupil Card 1
Choose a job. Say what a person has to do in this job. Let your classmates guess the job.
A person in this job must get on well with children.
He/She has to answer children’s questions.
He/She doesn’t have to write textbooks.
But he/she has to use textbooks when he/she gives lessons or explains rules.
And he or she must be kind.
Pupil Card 2
Listen to your partner and guess the job.
I think this person is a teacher. Am I right?
What do you have to do at school? (AB ex. 1)
What must people do in some jobs? (AB ex. 2)
What will you have to do when you are an adult?
AB ex. 3, Reader ex. 3.
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