Страница 55 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Alice and Ally are always ready to help.

1) What help do they offer? (AB ex. 2)
Текст для аудирования:
Dialogue A
— Granny, shall I help you to sew the dress?
— Oh, thanks, Ally.
Dialogue B
— Shall I give you a hand, Dad?
— It’s all right, thank you, Alice. I’ve already done it.
Dialogue C
— I’ll do the washing, Mum.
— Thank you very much, dear.

2) What help can you offer? (AB ex. 3)

Role play. Children must help their parents about the house.
Pupil Card 1

Your parents have a lot of work to do about the house. Offer your help:
• to wash the dishes;
• to cook dinner;
• to clean the house;
• to do the washing;
• to feed the dog;
• to sweep the floor;
• to do the shopping;
• to wash clothes.

Pupil Card 2
You are Alice’s mother/father. You have a lot of things to do:
• to feed the dog;
• to cook dinner;
• to sweep the floor;
• to wash the dishes;
• to clean the house;
• to do the washing;
• to do the shopping;
• to wash clothes.Accept or refuse the help.

Friends are always ready to help in any situation. What can you say in these situations? (AB ex. 4)

All about me. How I help about the house. (AB No. 6)

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