Страница 63 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Mrs Brown and Paddington* Bear are going to cook lunch.
1) What food is Paddington and Mrs Brown talking about before cooking lunch?
— Have we got a few eggs?
— A few eggs?
We’ve got a few eggs.
We’ve got a few eggs and it
is enough1!
— Have we got a few potatoes?
— A few potatoas?
We’ve got few potatoes.
We’ve got few potatoes and it’s not enough!
— Have we got a little milk?
— A little milk?
Let me see. There is a little milk.
There is a little milk and it’s enough.
— Have we got a few onions?
— A few onions?
We’ve got a lot of onions.
We’ve got a lot of big and small onions. Look!
— Have we got a little meat?
— A little meat?
There is little meat, I’m afraid. There’s little meat and it’s not enough, I think.
— Have we got a little salt?
— A little salt?
Well, we’ve got a lot of salt. We’ve got a lot of salt but not much sugar.

2) Which food have they got enough of for cooking lunch? Which words does Mrs Brown use? (reading for detail)

3) Which food have they not got enough of for cooking lunch? Which words does Mrs Brown use?

4) Read the rule and check.

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