Страница 103 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Sometimes our plans can change because of the weather.

1) What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Jane: Will we go to the countryside tomorrow?
Mum: I think we will but I am afraid that the weekend won’t be fine.
Jane: Why do you think so?
Mum: I think there will be a storm tomorrow.
Jane: If it is stormy tomorrow, I will stay at home.

2) How will the weather change Jane’s plans?

3) What verbs does she use?

4) Read the rule and check.

Grammar in focus First Conditional
Придаточное предложение реального условия

Когда мы говорим, при каком условии что-то произойдёт в будущем, мы используем Present Simple в придаточном предложении:
If the weather is fine tomorrow, I will ride a bicycle.
Если завтра погода будет хорошая, я буду кататься на велосипеде.

Different weather makes us feel different and choose different activities.
1) What will Jane and her friends do in different weather? Match.
If it is very cold,
If the temperature is 30 below zero,
If there is a heavy rain at the weekend,
If there is sunshine.
I won’t go to the park,
my friends and I will stay at home,
my friends and I will go to the beach,
my friends and I will wear warm clothes.

2) Here are some weather forecasts.
What will you and your relatives do in this or that weather?
My friends and I won’t spend time outside.
I will skate a lot.
I will take my umbrella.
My parents and I won’t go to the countryside.
My friends and I will go skiing.
If it freezes in the evening,
I will skate a lot.

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