На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 6 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
What do you look like?
1. The new school year has just started. Jane is a new pupil at a secondary school. Linda likes her appearance.
What do you look like?
1. The new school year has just started. Jane is a new pupil at a secondary school. Linda likes her appearance.
1) Vocabulary. What does Jane look like? What do you think? Use the Word Box.
2) What does Jane really look like? (listening for specific information) (AB ex. 1)
Текст для аудирования:
-We’ve got a new girl in our class.
-Oh, really? What’s her name?
-How old is she?
-She’s 11 years old.
— What does she look like? Is she pretty?
-Oh, yes. She’s really good-looking. She’s got long fair hair and large blue eyes.
-Is she tall?
-No, she’s short and slim.
-Where has she come from?
— Her family moved here from another city, but I have forgotten its name.
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