Страница 19-20 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Everyone always wants to look great.
Choose a project you’d like to do.
Project 1
My favourite clothes
Make a collage of your favourite clothes for different occasions: for school, a party, sports. You can draw pictures or cut out designs from magazines. Write captions for them. Explain your choice.
Project 2
Cut out pictures of people you’d like to look like. Explain why.
Draw clothes you’d like to have or cut out designs from magazines. Write captions for them. Explain your choice.
Project 3
My dream clothes
Imagine you have 5000 roubles to buy new clothes. What would you like to have? Why?
Draw clothes you’d like to have or cut out designs from magazines. Write captions for them. Explain your choice.
Project 4
Song «Looking Good”
• Draw pictures that illustrate the song. Comment on your drawings.

Present your project and answer your classmates’ questions. Read Learning to learn note 8.

Discuss your projects and decidc which is the most interesting.

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