Страница 90 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 90 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
Whose attitude towards doctors do you share? Why?
— I agree with …
— I (also) think that … because …
— I don’t agree with …
— I don’t think that …… because if … then …
Besides, …

Bob, David and Steven have different opinons.
1) Role play. Say what health problem you have and ask for a piece of advicc.
Pupil 1
You are Bob.
Say what health problem you have (a headache, have cut your hand).
Ask David and Steven for advice.
Listen to what your friends advise you. Accept or refuse their pieces of advice. Listen to your friend and give advice.
Pupil 2
You are David.
Say what health problem you have (terrible earache, have hurt your back).
Ask Bob and Steven for advice.
Listen to what your friends advise you. Accept or refuse their pieces of advicc. Listen to your friend and give advice.
Pupil 3
You are Steven.
Say what health problem you have (a cold, have hurt your leg).
Ask Bob and David for advice.
Listen to what your friends advise you. Accept or refuse their pieces of advice. Listen to your friend and give advice.

2) What do you usually do if you have the same health problem(s)?

Read the title of the lesson. It is a good English proverb. Explain this proverb. Read the Learning to learn note 4 first.

All about me. My healthy family. (AB No. 9), Reader ex. 5.

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