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Do the project «My town»
Think of the name of your town; how many people will live in your town; the names of these people; their appearance and character; the houses they will live in; the people’s relatives; the people’s jobs and professions; the places they will work at; the people’s hobbies and favourite activities.
Do the project «My town»
Think of the name of your town; how many people will live in your town; the names of these people; their appearance and character; the houses they will live in; the people’s relatives; the people’s jobs and professions; the places they will work at; the people’s hobbies and favourite activities.
Draw a map of your town:
— draw or stick in pictures of the houses and other places where your town people work or go to for different reasons;
— draw or stick In pictures of the town people and their families in the places you like;
— make captions for your drawings/pictures.
2. Present your project
3. Discuss your projects and decide which are the best.
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