Страница 100-101 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Each season is special in different countries.
1) What is special about each season in your region? Use the words from the box.
Word Building
to like — любить, нравиться
to dislike — не любить, не нравиться
to agree — соглашаться
to disagree — ?

Word Box
What is the weather like in your region?
The temperature is sometimes It is often
What do you like and dislike about the weather?
I like/dislike it when the weather/the day/it

2) What is Helen’s favourite season?
I like it when there is sunshine, the temperature becomes high and it’s so warm outside! Light snow sometimes falls only in some areas but snow is unusual for my favourite season. New leaves come to life and my mother and I plant flowers. The weather is fine for working in the garden and riding a bike.

3) What is the weather like during the other three seasons in Britain?

The weather may change many times during one day.
Remember one day when the weather changed many times and describe it. (AB ex. 1)

There are different ways of talking about the weather.
What is the weather like in different seasons in your city/town/village? (AB ex. 2)

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