Страница 65 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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Answer your friend’s questions. (AB ex. 1)

One day Mrs Brown и/as going to cook shepherd’s pie*.
Look at Mrs Brown’s recipe1 and say how much of each food she had and how much of each food she had to buy and why.

Shopping list
3 onions
1/2 pound of peas
2 pounds of meat
1 pound of potatoes
1 oz of oil
1/2 pound of tomatoes

I think Mrs Brown had …
Perhaps she also had …
But she didn’t have …
Perhaps Mrs Brown had …
and …
a few …
a lot of …

Pair work, what is the recipe for your favourite dish?
Pupil 1
Make a list of food you’ve got. Answer your partner’s questions about how much of each food you’ve got to cook your partner’s favourite dich.
Pupil 2
Name the ingredients of your favourite dish. Ask your partner if she/he has got enough food to cook it.

All about me. What we’ve got in our refrigerator. (AB No. 7), AB ex. 2.

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