Страница 96 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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You will hear a conversation between two people. For statements 1—5, write a letter T if the statement is true or F if it is false. You will hear the talk twice.

1 _ The boy has backache.
2 _ The boy might have the flu.
3 _ The boy has hurt his leg.
4 _ The girl gives some medicine to the boy.
5 _ The girl advises the boy to drink lemon juice.

Francesco came to hospital with his parents.
What happened in the hospital?
1. Put the paragraphs in the correct order.
a “Have you forgotten my tablet?” asked Bill when Mrs Bloom, the nurse, came to the doorway.
“The doctor said you shouldn’t have one in the evening today,” she answered. “Does your stomach hurt?” “No,” said Bill.
b Francesco said goodbye to his mother and father, and then they left. Bill, one of the other boys in his room, said, pointing to a boy on a bed, “That’s Rubin. He had an operation this morning, and that’s why he’s sleeping a lot today.” “Have you ever had an operation?” he asked Francesco. “I will have my tonsils1 out tomorrow,” said Francesco. Bill had his appendix out.
с “And tomorrow I’ll meet some more new friends,” Francesco thought, and then he fell asleep.
d In a few minutes, Bill was asleep. Francesco felt lonely without his parents. But it was good to know that all the hospital workers were there to help his doctor help him. He was glad that Rubin and Bill were sharing his room with him.
e When Rubin woke up, the three boys talked for a minute. Bill remembered something and pushed his button to call the nurse.

2. What have you learnt about these people? Match.
1 Francesco
2 Bill
3 Rubin
4 Mrs Bloom

a) has just had an operation.
b) had appendicitis.
c) will have an operation.
d) works in the hospital.

1. Grammar. If you don’t want to have the flu you should follow some advice.
Fill in the gaps with must and shouldn’t.
0 You shouldn’t eat ice cream.
1 You _ keep your feet warm.
2 You _ go to anyone who has a cold.
3 You _ wash hands well and often.
4 You _ spend much time in shops.
5 You _ wear a special mask.
6 You _ take vitamins.

2. Grammar. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms (Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive).
0 Have you ever swum (swim) in a new swimming pool?
1 _ you ever _ (be) to a new sports club?
2 _ you (go) to any sports camps during your last holidays?
3 _ you ever (eat)hot dogs?They are not very healthy, I’m sure.
4 I _ (buy) a new tracksuit this week.
5 _ you (walk) to school today?
6 I _ (ride) a bike to school yesterday.
7 While I _ (ride) a bike to school, I _ (fall) off,but I _ (not hurt) myself, I _ (be) lucky.

3. Vocabulary. Read some information about animals. Choose the correct word.
0 Horses have got four Clegs)/arms.
1 A snake goes on its stomach/back.
2 A leopard is a catlike animal with black spots/feet.
3 A long tail/nose helps a crocodile to swim.
4 A seal/fox is very furry.
5 A lot of birds are used to/like living in big cities.

4. Vocabulary. What health problems do these children have? Choose the correct word.
0 Nick has the flu. He feels _.
a terrible
b wrong
с well
1 Jack feels unwell. A doctor will _ him.
a call
b consult
с examine
2 Little Mary had earache and she had to _ medicine.
a eat
b take
с drink
3 Ruth has got toothache. She should go to _.
a the pediatrician
b the surgeon
с the dentist
4 Jack has a sore throat. He should _.
a use a plaster
b put a warm compress on
с wash it with coolwater

Your friend has invited you to a party. You can’t come because of a health problem. Write a note to your friend and explain why you can’t come.

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