Страница 12 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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In the pictures on page 13, Mark and Ann have got their favorite clothes on.

1) Vocabulary. What clothes has Ann got on? What clothes has Mark got on? Use the Word Box.

Ann has got a bright T-shirt on.
Mark has got super trainers on.

2) What clothes are Mark and Ann talking about? (listening for specific information)

3) Why do the children like these things?

I like this smart green tracksuit top. It’s my favorite. I can wear it anywhere I like.
These Adidas* trainers are super.
Levi’s* jeans are comfortable for any activity.
I like wearing bright T-shirts.
This shirt isn’t new, but it looks good.
My Mum bought me this red top.
It is great.
These are my favorite jeans.
I love wearing them all the time.
My shoes are very comfortable.
I have got all my special things in this rucksack.

4) What do you think of Ann’s and Mark’s clothes and their looks?

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