When people do something wrong they usually apologise1.
1) What did the children do wrong? Which conversation does the picture go with? (listening for detail)
2) Read the conversations, Learning to learn note 1 and find out:
• how the children apologies;
• how they explain7 why they are sorry;
• what they promise to do;
• what they say in reply to an apology.
— I’m very sorry. I couldn’t help you with maths yesterday. I can help after the lessons today.
— That’s okay.
— I’m so sorry. I didn’t tell you the truth about Nick yesterday.
— I know. That’s all right. Forget it.
— I’m sorry. I wasn’t polite to you yesterday.
— That’s OK. It was my fault.
— I’m so sorry. I wasn’t careful.
— Don’t worry.
3) How do people apologies and reply to an apology?
Culture note People can apologies in different ways.
For example, if you’re late for school, you can:
I’m sorry, I’m late.
I’m sorry. Don’t worry.
I’m so sorry. That’s all right.
I’m very sorry. Forget it. It was my fault.
4) Which dialogue chart fits each converse