На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 74 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Кузовлев
4) Read the children’s opinions about shopping. Which ideas do you agree with?
4) Read the children’s opinions about shopping. Which ideas do you agree with?
Do you like shopping?
I like shopping!
I hate shopping!
I’m sure that …
When I…
Best of all …
There are a few …
I wouldn’t say …
I am too young …
I also…
I think…
Group work. What do your friends think about shopping?
1) Choose a question and ask your friend.
Do you like shopping?
When did you go shopping without your parents?
How do you usually spend your pocket money?
What is your favourite shop?
What did you buy last time?
2) Make a report. Read Learning to learn note 3.
Give an example of one of your shopping experiences.
What can you say about Maya’s shopping at Christmas?
Use Reader ex. 6.
Reader ex. 7.
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