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Weather maps can help tourists to choose a place for their holidays.
1) What does the map say about the weather in Europe on 22nd July?
Weather maps can help tourists to choose a place for their holidays.
1) What does the map say about the weather in Europe on 22nd July?
2) Listen to the weather forecast1 for some European countries. Which countries are talked about in the forecast?
Текст для аудирования:
There is sunshine and no rain in Spain today. Warm and dry winds. It’s hot in Greece today. The temperatures are 29—30 above zero. No winds or rain.
It’s cloudy and rainy in Finland today. The temperatures are not very high, but it’s warm 18—19 above zero. It’s warm and humid.
What was the weather like yesterday in your region? Use the words from the box and from ex. 1.
Reader ex.1.
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