Страница 125 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Кузовлев, Костина, Лапа, Перегудова

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There are important events in the life of famous people.
1) What important events happened in the life of these famous people? When did they happen?
Grammar for revision Dates
793 seven (hundred (and) ninety-three
1952 nineteen fifty-two
1504 fifteen-о [ou] -four
(for 2000—2005)
2005 two thousand and
1900 nineteen hundred
five (from 2010)
2017 two thousand and
seventeen or twenty seventeen

Elizabeth II* became queen in 1952. She had been princess before her father King George VI died1 in 1952.
Vivien Leigh* played Scarlett in a famous Hollywood film in 1939. She had not acted in Hollywood films before she started to work there in 1939.
Andre Agassi* won the Wimbledon competition in 1992. He had trained a lot before he won the competition.
Charles Dickens* had been a journalist before he wrote his famous book The Pickwick Papers in 1837 and became a famous writer.

2) What had these people done or what had happened to them before they became famous?

3) What verb forms do they use to talk about these events?

4) Read the rule and check.
Grammar in focus The Past Perfect Tense Прошедшее совершённое время
Когда мы говорим о том, что произошло до определённого момента или события в прошлом, мы используем Past Perfect:
Не had trained a lot before he won the championship.
Он много тренировался, прежде чем выиграл чемпионат.
She had not played in Hollywood films before she started to work there in 1939.
Она не играла в голливудских фильмах до того, как она начала там работать в 1939 году.
Where had he worked before he became an engineer in 1837?
Где он работал до того, как стал инженером в 1837 году?

5) What did these people do first and what happened to them next?
First Aiidre Agassi trained a lot.
Then he won the Wimbledon competition.

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