Страница 84 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

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Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
It is a narrow red skirt, isn’t it?
No, it isn’t. The skirt is fairly narrow, but it’s blue.
1) It’s a long blue raincoat, isn’t it?
2) They’re short brown trousers, aren’t they?
3) It’s a short grey fur coat, isn’t it?
4) They’re high purple boots, aren’t they?
5) This is a short red T−shirt, isn’t it?
6) They are narrow pink pyjamas, aren’t they?
7) This is a long orange sweater, isn’t it?
8) It’s a neat green dress, isn’t it?
9) They are old brown shoes, aren’t they?

Read the text and match its parts with their names. There are three parts and four names.
a) What Do Children Wear These Days?
b) What Do We Wear in Cold and Warm Weather?
c) Do We Always Know What to Put On?
d) Why Do We Choose Different Clothes for Different Places?
1. Our clothes help us to stay warm and dry in any weather. They help us to look good too. That’s why clothes are so important to us. Clothes are very different. Uniforms can look boring but they are good for school. Jeans, sweaters, and T−shirts are good for after−school wear. Your parents often put on suits to work and evening clothes when they go out. Some people often change their clothes, some people don’t. A lot of women are fond of fashionable blouses, dresses, shirts and skirts, some of them wear old−fashioned things. But if they want to look nice, their clothes must be clean and neat. Nobody likes scruffy people.
2. We buy different clothes for different seasons. In Russia we must have warm clothes for winter wear: coats or fur coats, thick jackets, hats, scarves, boots, gloves and mittens. In spring we change into raincoats and thin jackets. In summer we like wearing light skirts and dresses, shorts and T−shirts of bright colours, trainers and sandals. English people say, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.”
3. It’s very important to wear the right clothes to the right places. You will look wrong if you wear a suit to a disco or if you put on old jeans and a T−shirt to a good restaurant. Some people have a talent [ˈtælǝnt] for choosing and wearing clothes. They always look wonderful in their trousers, skirts and dresses. Their clothes are not always fashionable but they are just right for them. The best thing is to have your style in clothes.

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