Страница 102 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

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Say in which sentences we can’t use could.
1) Mrs Brown was able to dance very well when she was younger.
2) We tried to open the door and were able to do it at last.
3) They were not able to build a new garage.
4) She was able to make lunch in ten minutes and we didn’t go hungry.
5) We didn’t know the address, but we were able to find the hotel.
6) It was dark outside, but Ann was able to take pictures of the palace.
7) That summer was very cold, but we were able to grow tomatoes in our garden.
8) They were not able to decide where to go.

Bob can’t do these things now. Write what he will be able to do when he is older.
Bob can’t write now but when he is older…
Bob can’t write now but when he is older he will be able to write (do it).
1) Bob can’t answer difficult questions now, but when he is older…
2) Bob can’t fly a plane now but…
3) Bob can’t go to university now but…
4) Bob can’t work on the computer now but…
5) Bob can’t have a bank card now but…

Write the same differently.
Everybody can learn this poem.
Everybody is able to learn this poem.
1) Everybody can see these wonderful paintings.
2) Jill couldn’t wait any longer.
3) They couldn’t change their plan.
4) We can give them a driving lesson.
5) He can’t speak English.
6) He could ride a bike very well when he was younger.

Write the same in Russian.
My grandad could swim very well when he was young.
Мой дедушка мог очень хорошо плавать, когда был молодым.
1) We were able to find her house because I remembered her address.
2) I forgot his telephone number but I was able to talk to him.
3) Jill could play tennis fairly well when she was at school.
4) Richard was a very good sportsman. He could win any game easily.

Write a letter to your friend. Tell him/her about your favourite pastime.

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