Listen, CD (98), and decide what season they like very much.
a) Summer;
b) Winter;
c) Spring
A. Read and say why Pat, Florence and Peggy are fond of the seasons they like. Add what you can.
1) to be fond of winter sports
2) to like low temperatures
3) to like it when snowflakes fall down to the ground
1) to dislike cold and hot weather
2) to like different colours in her garden
1) to enjoy having no lessons
2) to like to do whatever you want
B. Say which is your favourite season and why.
Read the new word combinations.
a heavy stone
a heavy bag
a heavy box
heavy rain
heavy snow
frosty weather
a frosty day
a frosty morning
to fall to the ground
to put in the ground
to sit on the ground
to forget their address
to forget her name
to forget your telephone number
five degrees above zero
fifteen degrees above zero
ten degrees below zero
twelve degrees below zero
eight degrees below zero
beautiful snowflakes
white snowflakes
big snowflakes
to win a game
to win a match
to win some money
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