Страница 104 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 1

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Complete the sentences in your way.
1) Everybody likes stories that…
2) I have a friend who…
3) Your home is a place where…
4) Best of all I like weekends when…
5) English is the language which…
6) It is not easy to say why…
7) Do you know how…?

These are the answers. What are the questions?
Who …?
When …?
How …?
Whose …?
What …?
Why …?
How often …?

My best friend.
Yesterday after school.
Very well indeed.
My cousin’s.
Usually I have tea and a sandwich.
Because I love it.
Every weekend.

Complete the questions. Use the word combinations from the box.
1) … is your cousin? — He is sixteen.
2) … books are there on the desk?
3) … does he come here?
4) … do you know him?
5) … is the text?
6) … milk is there in the jug?

How well
How difficult
How old
How much
How often
How many

Make up the sentences.
1) me/he/where/tell/lives/.
2) does/he/where/live/?
3) I/likes/don’t/she/know/what/.
4) does/what/like/she/?
5) do/spend/summer/you/holidays/your/where/ usually/?
6) want/where/usually/summer/your/I/to know/holidays/you/spend?

Write three questions. You want to know:
a) where your friend lived when he was little;
b) what he/she is interested in now;
c) where he/she is going for his/her winter holidays.

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