Страница 6 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 6 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Афанасьева
A. Use some of the words and phrases from the box in the dialogues.
A: Do you know what? I have a new bike!
B: … . I’m happy for you.
A: They say it’s going to rain next week.
B: … . What will I do in the country in rainy weather?
A: Polly is ill. She is staying at home from school.
B: … . I’m so sorry for her.
A: I’m going to the theatre next Saturday.
B: … . Enjoy the performance.
A: What’s the food in this café like?
B: …, but they don’t cook my favourite dishes.
A: Did you enjoy the circus show?
B: It was …, but I didn’t like the trained animals.
A: How did you like the new film?
B: It’s …, but it’s better than what I saw last week.
B. Make up your own dialogues with these words and phrases.

Listen, CD(73), and read the sentences. What does the new word mean?
There are five continents on our planet.
Our planet is fairly old.
How many countries are there on the planet?

Listen, CD(74), and read.
discover [dɪˈskʌvə] − открывать
discovery [dɪˈskʌvəri] − открытие
gold [ɡəʊld] − 1) золото; 2) золотой
land [lænd] − 1) земля, суша; 2) страна
round [raʊnd] − круглый
sail [seɪl] − плыть на лодке, корабле, плыть под парусом
sure [ʃʊə] − 1) уверенный; 2) наверняка
voyage [ˈvɔɪɪʤ] − морское путешествие
discover: to discover a country, to discover a continent. Who discovered America? We discovered that Julia was our cousin. I discovered John’s letter under yesterday’s newspaper.
discovery: an important discovery, an interesting discovery, to make a discovery. The famous traveller Robert Scott had a ship whose name was “Discovery”.
gold: 1) a lot of gold, little gold, to find gold. Gold is a yellow metal. 2) A gold medal, a gold ring. There was an ancient gold box on the table.
land: 1) rich land, hilly land, grassy land, to be on dry land. Some animals can live both on land and in water. 2) a foreign land. John travelled to many lands.
round: a round ball, a round table, a round tower. Our planet is round.
sail: to sail to Italy, to sail to Greece. Bill is learning to sail. We’re going to sail to Rome tomorrow.
sure: to be sure (of/about something). I think Jane is in London but I’m not sure (of it). Will you come to my party? − Sure. They are sure to find gold there.
voyage: a long voyage, a voyage home, a sea voyage, an ocean voyage, to be on a voyage. During their voyage she saw a lot of sea animals. There were many schoolchildren on that voyage to France.

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