Страница 35 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 1

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Make up new words. Use them in the sentences.
A. N → Adj (tomato, fish, milk, orange)
1) There is … juice in the jug.
2) My little cousin doesn’t like … soup.
3) There was a high … tree near my house.
4) Johnny ate a lot of … chocolate yesterday.
B. N → V (place, water, plant, breakfast)
1) I would like to … the dishes on the table.
2) Who usually …s the flowers in your garden?
3) We …ed in a small café yesterday.
4) We …ed a few apple trees yesterday.

A. Choose the right words to complete the text. Check, CD(18).
The Smirnovs’ Visit to Suzdal
Last May the Smirnovs visited Suzdal − a small town not far from Moscow. The place is very nice with 1 (a lot of/much) forests around it. The town is clean and cosy with 2 (few/little) high buildings. The shops are not big and very 3 (few/little) people work there. “Are there 4 (many/much) cinemas here?” Yura asked. His father said there were 5 (some/any). This old town has got 6 (a lot of/much) churches. When you walk in the streets of Suzdal, you have a feeling that every third building is a church. 7 (Some/Any) of them are wooden. The town has got 8 (a lot of/much) beautiful wooden houses too. They think Suzdal is a living museum of Russian history. The Smirnovs liked their trip very much.
B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Suzdal. Say why people visit this place.

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