Страница 10 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

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Remember the text “The Discovery of America” and complete the sentences.
1) Christopher Columbus discovered America in the … century.
a) 13th
b) 14th
c) 15th
2) Columbus was born in … .
a) Spain
b) America
c) Italy
3) He lived in … for many years.
a) Europe
b) Asia
c) America
4) People in Spain were much interested in … in the 15th century.
a) Europe
b) Asia
c) America
5) In 1492 Columbus decided to go … to get to India.
a) west
b) south
c) east
6) Columbus discovered … during his first voyage to the New World.
a) North America
b) Central America
c) South America

Write these sentences in the right order.
1) Columbus was sure he could get to India if he sailed west.
2) The King and Queen of Spain sent Columbus on his famous voyage.
3) Columbus made a lot of sea voyages before he sailed west.
4) Columbus was born in Italy but lived in Spain.
5) The seamen met some people on the new island.
6) It took Columbus and his men three weeks to get to the new land.

Make up 10−12 word combinations with these words.
Example: a gold watch

Spell these words.
1) [lænd]
2) [raʊnd]
3) [ɡəʊld]
4) [dɪˈskʌvəri]
5) [seɪl]
6) [ʃʊə]
7) [ˈvɔɪɪʤ]
8) [dɪˈskʌvə]
9) [ˈplænɪt]

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