Страница 21 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 1

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build [bɪld] –строить
builder [ˈbɪldə] –строитель
building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] – здание
cathedral [kəˈθi:drəl] – собор
rebuild [ri:ˈbɪld] – перестраивать
road [rəʊd] – дорога
side [saɪd] – сторона
stand [stænd] – стоять
statue [ˈstæʧu:] –статуя
wooden [ˈwʊdən] − деревянный
build (built): to build houses, to build new schools, to build palaces. They are building a new bridge over the river.
builder: boat builders. The builders will start to work tomorrow.
building: a tall building, a low building, an old building. There are a lot of beautiful buildings in St Petersburg.
rebuild (rebuilt): to rebuild a house, to rebuild a palace. They rebuilt a lot of old houses in our town.
cathedral: Kazan Cathedral, to visit cathedrals and churches. Kazan Cathedral is one of the most important cathedrals in St Petersburg.
road: a road to the church, in the middle of the road, a busy road, up and down the road. They live in Lockwood Road.
side: the north side, the south side, the left side, the right side. A square has four sides. The left side of your coat is dirty. They live on the north side of the town.
stand (stood): to stand by the window, to stand up, to stand out from something. There were a lot of people on the train and we were standing all the way to Kolpino. The teacher came in and all the pupils stood up. Her red car stood out from the black cars.
statue: a marble statue, a beautiful statue. There are a lot of beautiful statues in the Hermitage.
wooden: a wooden building, a wooden tower, a wooden box, a wooden chair. There are not many wooden houses in modern big cities.

Complete the sentences with the new words.
stand, statues, wooden, road, cathedral, buildings, built, side
1) The pet shop is on the opposite … of the street.
2) In old Russia you could see only … houses in cities and towns.
3) A … is the most important church on some territory.
4) The old castle … on the hill, you can see it from far away.
5) There are a lot of beautiful … in Moscow and St Petersburg.
6) There are high buildings on the two sides of the … .
7) The Summer Garden is famous for its beautiful white marble … .
8) They … a new supermarket in the city centre last month.

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